Barndiabetesfonden 30 years: Scientific Symposium
Linköping, 17-18 October 2019
17th October 2019
13.00 Symposium Opening in the presence of the Patron of Barndiabetesfonden, Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Victoria
13.05 Wellcome. Johnny Ludvigsson, founder and chairman of Barndiabetesfonden
Session I: What causes type 1 diabetes?
Chairman: Prof Malin. Flodström-Tullberg, Karolinska Inst, Stockholm
13.15 Prof Heikki Hyöty,Tampere: For and against virus as the cause of Type 1 diabetes
13.40 Prof Eric Triplett, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA: The role of the microbiome
14.05 Prof Johnny Ludvigsson, Linköping: Beta cell stress and Type 1 diabetes
14.30 Ass Prof Helena Elding-Larsson, Malmö: Lessons from prospective cohort trials and efforts to prevent T1D
14.55 Prof Matthias von Herrath, Seattle: New/old views on T1D etiology and pathogenesis.
15.20 Coffee
Session II: Populärvetenskapliga föredrag för allmänheten
15.45 Barndiabetesfondens Ambassadör Elin Cederbrant: Att leva med min Typ 1 diabetes; patientens vy.
16.15 Barndiabetesfondens ordf Johnny Ludvigsson, Linköping: Att leva med Typ 1 diabetes
17.00 - 18.30 Dinner
19.00 - Concert
18th October 2019
Chairman: Prof Per-Ola Carlsson, Uppsala
Session III: How do we preserve or improve residual beta cell function?
09.00 Prof Knut Dahl-Jörgensen, Oslo: Antiviral therapy?
09.25 Prof Olle Korsgren, Uppsala: Antibacterial therapy?
09.50 Dr Frida Sundberg, Göteborg: Beta cell rest?
10.15 Coffee
10.35 Prof Johnny Ludvigsson, Linköping: Auto-antigen treatment?
11.00 Prof Mark Rigby, USA : Immune suppression?
11.25 Prof Colin Dayan, Cardiff, UK : What next?
12.00 Panel and general discussion: How do we win the fight?
12.30 End of meeting. Lunch.
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